
A body sock is used for sensory regulation, maintaining a calm but alert state; where impulses, emotions, and behavior are in check. It provides calming and organizing input to the participant, all over the body at the same time. Using a body sock can promote the skill of body awareness knowing where your body is in space – meaning where your body begins and ends, and its proximity to other objects and people.

The body sock gives immediate feedback to the tactile and proprioceptive systems when it is worn, both in one static position or used for dynamic movement-based tasks. Climbing inside a body sock can minimize visual input, especially when an environment is overwhelming. It can target motor planning skills; challenging the user to figure out how to move the body while wearing it.

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Delivery time::  3 Days
Payment Method:  COD
Shipping cost :  300
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Body Sock – Small Size: 68.5*86.5cm | Astramed

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Show 03215088414(2)

3 years ago


Last seen:  3 years ago


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